Monday, January 19, 2009

My "Vitamin D" Story

I've been posting this around on blogs that are talking about Vitamin D deficiency. I am a recovering smoker and I hope I never get in the habit again. But I think there are external issues that exacerbate many conditions and one of the biggest issues in this country and throughout certain latitudes of the world is vitamin D deficiency. When you read my little story below you'll see why I think this.

I am a 55 year old female and I was diagnosed with preliminary lung disease about 6 years ago. In the fall of 2007 I had a severe respriratory incident and was hospitalized for over a week. I began supplementing with Vitamin D3, 10,000 to 15,000 IU per day depending on sun exposure and tanning activities, and getting plenty of sunshine since Feb. of 2008 and it has changed my life. I am able to exercise now, whereas before, I could barely get up the steps. I quit smoking immediately after my “incident” about 5 months prior to discovering the benefits of vitamin D and I attribute some improvement to that. But the major improvements didn't occur until after I started supplementing with Vitamin D3.

Cholecalciferol rules! I feel 10 years younger. I was continually getting respiratory "infections" and have not had one in over a year now. I work for our school system and am constantly exposed to viruses etc. As I said, not one infection or cold or respiratory incident in over a year now.

I have regained my sense of balance and built my muscles. I do a 20 minute exercise routine every morning now. I no longer feel like I've been beaten up when I get out of bed. I used to have to think about how to get out of bed so it wouldn't hurt as much. Now I hop out like a 30-year-old. It's been amazing.

I still have issues with my lungs. They have improved quite a bit. My FEV is much better than it was a year ago. I also believe that if I continue to take my D they will continue to improve. Sometimes I think I can feel it happening. I'm sure it's because I'm so happy about how this has changed my life.

I am also very thankful for this here "internet thingie" and Dr. Cannell at the vitamin council because I don't think I would have ever found out about vitamin D had it not been for the WWW and Dr. Cannell's devotion to getting the word out about vitamin D deficiency. Here are two valuable web sites for those who are interested in becoming normal human beings again....instead of living like vampires like the sun-screen industry and a lot of paid-to-play dermatologists advise:

Vitamin D Coucil

D Action or Grassroots Health

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